Dr.K.A.Sheebha M.Com., M.Phil., M.B.A., NET
Assistant Professor in Commerce
Dr. K. A. Sheebha is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce who has more than ten years of teaching experience at the UG level. Her contribution to research is significant since she has presented papers at international conferences and published articles in scopus indexed and UGC CARE listed journals. A passionate teacher, she is known for her engaging lectures and mentoring of aspiring students. She actively participates in various subject specialized workshops. Dr. Sheeba is also the SPOC of the Naan Mudhalvan Government Scheme, coordinator of the consumer club and an active member of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell.
Ph.D. Thesis Title:
A Study of Customer Relationship Management of Public and Private Banks in Chennai City.
No. of articles published – 05
No. of papers presented in various national, international seminars and conferences – 10